Switch to all-digital

Providing assistance with digitalisation



Has your company switched to the all-digital age yet? Most likely, you haven’t. Like many others, you use IT tools on a daily basis, but at the end of the chain, you continue to produce tons of paper for all official documents, your struggle to archive in your office. We can help you to complete your migration to all-digital throughout your administration chain.

To answer these questions, do not hesitate to contact us !


Do not forget the past: what to do with your old paper records?

Now that I switched to the all-digital, I still have a lot of paper archives. What should I do with them? We can help you turn these tons of paper records into digital values, intelligently indexed. These old archives will simply be saved in your current digital system.

Everyone tells me that I can just simply store documents in the Cloud. Is this true?

Your Internet provider has certainly offered you an Cloud backup space. You may also have received an offer from your favourite online store and whenever you try to save a new file in your office suite, you are offered to do so in your personal space, at the Suite’s Publisher. Are all these alternatives the same? Are they all reliable? What to do in case of major issues? What kind of guarantee do you have? Is this considered reliable and secure enough in respect of my own privacy provisions to store my customer data file in this space?

What difference is there between a backup copy and a backup?

Your files are now available everywhere, as soon as you connect to the Internet. So, I no longer need to do backup! Yes but now I have a major problem because I can’t open my customer file. The application says that my file is corrupted… I certainly made a mistake in my last update. How do I recover the working version from yesterday?

Have you checked that your old digital records are still readable with your new tools?

How to keep control of your Word, Excel and Access files created five years ago only? Have you recently checked that you are still able to read them with your new office suite version?